Monday, October 22, 2012

Critical Review II

In this weeks reading, it discussed the influences of many artists from Zaire. They were all important and influenced Zaire however, the architects of these genres included La Gran Kalle, Franco & OK Jazz, and Tabu Ley Rochereau. Some of their musical influences in terms of genres stem from 'cha cha', jazz, and rumba. These three artists classify as the older generation. The younger generation would be led by Clan Langa Langa who set the path for the youth by revolting against traditional rumba styled Zairian music and opted for a fast paced melody.
Zaire has had a vast amount of artists who influence society. Within the reading, especially towards the end, mention of the lack of government support for younger artists is a key flaw in music. Only the 'older generation' artists are given support and can afford the instruments and studios to manufacture quality music. All of them have served as praise singers for the government and President Mobutu. While they have been somewhat critical of factions of the government, there is never any mention of direct opposition from the 'old or younger generation' of musicians who do have the freedom to express themselves in their music. Why do they choose to be slightly critical of the government and not the president if he is at the head of the institution? Do you think it is a matter of choosing to stay at a certain status and questioning those above them might negatively impact their careers or even health?

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